Okay so let me first apologize for keeping everyone waiting so long, I have been *so* unmotivated the last few days to do anything that wasn’t life or death.  


Because I’m hungry. Like really hungry…


Day 2!  Sunday I woke with a splitting headache (the same one from Day 1 that still hadn’t subsided) and no motivation.  But I pulled it together and got to worship practice on time…ish.

Surprisingly, I felt something during prayer and all of the sudden all my physical stuff faded away and worship was really excellent.  I really felt the Holy Spirit moving and I know that sounds vague and odd to people who aren’t into that kind of thing, but let’s not assume I’m a wordsmith who can wax poetic about the movement of the unseeable and let’s assume I’m just me.  So I’ll call it wibbly-wobbly timey-wimey stuff and leave it at that, k?


Sunday after church I was an emotional wreck again but then I went to Tim’s softball game which was actually a good social break despite the blistering heat.  Sunday night we had a leadership summit meeting where our campus pastor prayed for us and we got some really great support from a bunch of folks who have already done this fast or are in the midst of it right now.  

Day 3: Monday, need I say more?


On the way to work, however, I actually had really great prayer time and got to talking with God about my marriage, what I want for my hubs and I, and for me individually.  I’m praying again for my health, my husband’s job situation and our future family, to clarify.  Tim has been working for AFLAC for some time with no revenue, which has been super hard financially as it puts all the burden on my shoulders.  We have managed thus far, but it’s been really difficult.  For our marriage I’m praying specifically for closeness and strength, and for our family, I’m praying for little ones some day.  We also recently were approved to become foster parents, but we don’t have any placements with us yet.  

Half-way through Monday the wife of the pastor who leads our small group checked in to make sure we were planning to come and asked if I would co-lead with her because her hubs is out of town this week.  Small group was actually really excellent and a couple folks shared some really personal, powerful stuff.  My husband said it felt more intimate, somehow and that he really enjoyed it.  I figure having two women running a group has that effect.  


Day 4: Tuesday, Tim calls me and says he has accepted a part time job starting next week with a steady paycheck.  AFTER MONTHS OF TURMOIL IT TOOK 4 DAYS OF FASTING FOR THIS!?!!  I was overjoyed.  


Tuesday night the weekly men’s group asked if they could meet at our place because their usual spot wasn’t available so I spent hours cleaning and getting the place respectable.  I even put out a spread with a bunch of tempting snacks, and let me tell you, that block of cheese was looking mighty fine by the end of the night.  I could’ve easily curled up with that cheese block for a few hours.  


By the end of day 4 I was feeling blessed and much cooler with another AC in the dining room. Also, when my house is clean, I feel pretty fabulous.  #domesticgoddess


Day 5: Brace yourself.  After my morning client I came home and got to see Tim for a little bit, which is an unusual perk.  While we’re spending time together I get an email from DSS that they may a placement for us.  We talked with the worker about the specifics and then prayed about it and agreed to take her in if she is placed in the system at court tomorrow morning.  So, this time tomorrow I may be a foster mom. WHAT ARE YOU SERIOUS?!!!! Yes, yes I am serious.  So basically, these five days have been emotional and crazy and awesome.  And I have 35 to go.  I can’t even talk about it anymore because I need to go buy some food for this poor kid. I really wouldn’t want a teenager to look in my fridge right now, seriously.


But yeah. THIS IS HAPPENING!! I’m officially removing the 2,4,6,8, and 0 from my keyboard because I CAN’T EVEN!!!!

More to come 😉